Diode Laser Cyclophotocoagulation


Diode Cyclophotocoagulation is a noninvasive laser procedure used to treat glaucoma. It is usually performed after other glaucoma procedures have failed, especially when the eye has poor visual potential. The laser treatment lowers eye pressure by reducing the amount of fluid produced in the eye by the ciliary body.

What to expect on procedure day and beyond:

Diode Cyclophotocoagulation is performed in our office. A local numbing medication is injected around the eye. The laser probe is placed on the white part of the eye and laser energy is directed toward the ciliary body in the eye. About 20 laser spots are usually needed, and the whole procedure takes a few minutes. You may experience some discomfort from the anesthetic injection, but the treatment is usually painless. After the procedure, you may have blurry vision or eye soreness, which usually resolves within a few days. Your doctor may ask you to use some medications after the procedure to help your eye heal. In some cases, the eye pressure is not lowered enough after a single treatment, so a second procedure is done a few months later.