Light Adjustable Lenses


Your Vision.
Your Way.

The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is the first and only lens that can be customized after cataract surgery—because we believe your vision should be exactly what you want. Now you can experience your vision, then refine it. So your vision will truly be yours.

Fixed vs. Adjustable Lenses

With other lenses, you have to make a lot of decisions about the vision you want before your cataract surgery. Once implanted, those lenses can’t be changed; they’re what’s known as “fixed.” 

The Light Adjustable Lens, however, is an adjustable lens. This means that the only decision you have to make before your surgery is to choose the Light Adjustable Lens. The rest can be made after your surgery once your eye has healed.

You and your surgeon then have the ability to adjust the lens and optimize your vision based on your unique preferences and lifestyle requirements. So you will truly have vision that’s just for you.

How the Light Adjustable Lens Works

The Light Adjustable Lens is made of a special photosensitive material that changes the shape and power of your implanted lens in response to ultraviolet (UV) light to optimize your vision.

The Light Delivery Device (LDD) non-invasively delivers this UV light to precisely reshape your lens based on the visual correction that is needed to target your custom prescription.

UV light treatments will be performed in your doctor’s office after your eye has healed. Depending on your desired visual outcome, you may have 1–3 light treatments, followed by two “lock-in” treatments to prevent further changes.

What to Expect After Surgery

About three weeks after your cataract surgery, you’ll visit our office to begin the light treatments to customize your vision. During these visits, you and your doctor work together to achieve the best possible visual outcome—the vision that’s best for you and your lifestyle.

Studies have shown that patients who received the Light Adjustable Lens and the recommended post-surgery treatments were almost twice as likely to achieve 20/20 vision or better without glasses compared to cataract patients who have standard lens implants.